Early Career

programming, tailor-made for you

getting started


As a newbie to our industry, this is the perfect time to find your people.

Who are your people? Who is your community? They’re your backbone; like-minded, ambitious people who want you to succeed, who are at or near where you are in your career, who can empathize with your challenges and motivate you to stay the course. Your community can also, should also, include a mentor or two; someone who you can look up to and go to for advice as you build and grow in this fast-paced, evolving industry.

Read below to learn about all the rich opportunities WIFT-T provides to lay the groundwork for launching your career, gaining more skills and experience, and finding your community.

be proactive


To learn more about how our targeted programming can support you when you're just starting out, click on the links below.

it takes a village


As you begin your career in media you’ll quickly learn networking and relationship-building are key to surviving and thriving in the industry. The support group you build will be there for you in multiple ways as you grow and learn. WIFT-T helps you find your people. Our events and programs are designed to help you create opportunities to help you connect, build, and have fun.

“You have to get out there. You have to network. You have to meet people because if they know you, if they’ve met you, if they get along with you and feel like you’d be a good asset in a room, then they’ll be more likely to hire you.”
~Cynthia Knight, writer & showrunner, Mohawk Girls

find your people

“There is huge value in being on a set and watching other directors work. It is particularly significant for women because we don't get the chances men do.”
~Mentor Gail Harvey, director, Lost Girl
WIFT Connect

"We build our careers through our peers." – Deborah Osborne, 2016 WIFT-T Crystal Award Winner for Mentorship. Get matched 1-1 with a WIFT-T member through this exclusive mentoring program.

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"WIFT-T’s Reception@TIFF is the only party of its kind recognizing women working in the screen-based industry."
— Unity360, Entertainment industry news
WIFT-T Fundraising Reception@TIFF

The hottest ticket of the year! Celebrate women’s success in media during the Toronto International Film Festival . One free ticket for each member!

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The media industry today is far from what it was five years ago...even from last year. To succeed you have to keep up with and stay ahead of the trends, and commit to never stop learning. WIFT-T helps you invest in your future. Our programs give you the skills and knowledge needed to build your confidence and prepare you for your next five years.

“It’s all about building your toolbox. Just keep working your way up the ladder and learn, learn, learn.”
~Daegan Fryklind, showrunner, producer & writer, Bitten, Being Erica

expand your toolbox

"I got the opportunity to see the step-by-step postproduction process of a variety of projects, from indie shorts to well-known TV series and features."
~Rebeca Ortiz, 2017 Recipient
Deluxe Toronto Postproduction Mentorship

To be a stand-out producer, you need to understand every aspect of the production timeline. Take a dive into post-production with this exciting mentorship!

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"One of the most useful workshops I have taken in the industry!"
~AnnaMaria DeMara
Introduction to Entertainment Law

A 3-day workshop designed to demystify legal issues in media content production. Learn your rights, protect your IP, negotiate the best deal for YOU!

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"MBE provided me with a strong foundation of knowledge towards the business aspects of media and a platform to network with fellow creators."
~Alicia De Four, 2017 Participant
Media Business Essentials

Jump-start your career in media and get the business skills you need to join Ontario’s billion-dollar screen-based media industry (film, TV and interactive/digital).

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"I am grateful to have such an amazing opportunity. This mentorship will undoubtedly have a meaningful impact on my career."
~Ava Torres, 2017 Recipient
Meridian Artists Agency Mentorship

Ever wondered how talent agencies work? Want to find out more about artist representation and career development? Apply for our Meridian Artists Agency Mentorship!

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Scripted Digital Series Incubator

The Scripted Digital Series Incubator is a four-day intensive program for writers and producers focused on script development, casting, audience development/discoverability, pitching, and financing for digital platforms.

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"An exciting career-launching opportunity for an emerging professional."
~Laurie Januska, Director of Programming, WIFT-Toronto
Technicolor VFX Mentorship

The inaugural mentorship will take place from October 15 – November 1, 2019 (inclusive) at Technicolor's Toronto HQ.

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“Female filmmakers should network with each other... They open up resources and expertise, and allow them to build a network early in their career.”
~Keri Putnam, Executive Director, Sundance Institute
WIFT-T Industry Speaker Series

Get inspired, make connections, and learn new skills in a single evening. An after-work speaker and networking series for screen-based media professionals providing useful and insightful career development strategies and tools.

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"I know coming out of this mentorship that I have a whole army of people behind me who understand that if I am successful then they are successful."
~Caitlin Carmody, 2017 Recipient
William F. White Production Manager Mentorship

Are you an emerging female Canadian production manager or producer? Are you open to learning new skills and diving into new experiences? Then the William F. White Production Manager Mentorship is the perfect next step for you!

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make it happen


Beyond boosting your career with improved skills, knowledge and contacts, we also have a couple other ideas up our sleeve about how we can help you advance. 

Want to get more exposure? We're here for you. We love to shine a spotlight on our members. Submit your short film, web or tv series, or music video to our annual Showcase! Send any news you want to share our way so we can share it with the world. 

One more thing. Don’t let money hold you back from your dreams. If you can’t afford to participate in one of our programs, we may be able to help—just apply for one of our bursaries. Thanks to the Foundation for WIFT-T, money need not be a problem.

“WIFT-T enables these filmmakers to share their work with fellow women in the industry not only as a great way to advance their career but allowing them to be a part of such a great community of women in film and television.”
~Rebecca Wilson, CTV Programming Coordinator, Bell Media

let us give you a boost

"This is an amazing event! Please come and say hello and watch some great talent!"
— Alex LaLonde, Chair, Foundation for WIFT-T
WIFT-T Showcase

Our annual WIFT-T Showcase highlights the creativity, talent, and diversity of our community. The 11th annual WIFT-T Showcase has been postponed until fall 2020 due to the coronavirus shutdown.

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take action

Get Involved

It’s almost 2020. Yet, women are still being marginalized, silenced, ignored. We’ve made major strides, but there’s so much more work to be done. What can you do to lead the charge? How can you use your voice, your art, your passion to shatter the glass ceiling once and for all?

“You have to take destiny in your own hands. It’s the only way I’ve gotten anywhere.”
~Mindy Kaling, writer, producer, actress, The Mindy Project, The Office
Take action