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Corporate/Group Discounts on membership fees are available to current members and employees of select organizations/associations and companies.
More details here.


Writer & producer, Best Day Ever: Aiden Kesler 1994-2011, Beauty Shot

“I’ve gotten great value from my WIFT membership, stayed on top of our ever-changing industry, developed wonderful and mutually supportive relationships and been able to utilize my Banff mentorship to grow my career.”

Aundreya (Andrea) Thompson, Early Career


“Joining WIFT-T is something that my future self will thank me for!”


Executive Producer & TV Talk Show Host, Extraordinary Women TV

“I have been an active member of WIFT-T for the past few years and I have found it highly beneficial and rewarding. WIFT is an invaluable organization that provides high quality events and educational programs.”


Visit our FAQ page if you have questions about payments, how to access our Corporate/Association Rate Discount, and other membership related details.

If you are unsure of your membership status or expiration date or have general questions about joining WIFT-T, please contact

PLEASE NOTE: WIFT-T membership fees are non-refundable. Please refer to our FAQ for more details.

Effective June 1, 2015:
 To be eligible for renewal pricing, memberships must renew within one year of expiring. After this time, former members must register under a new WIFT-T account and pay full membership fees. If you register on this page, you will be charged as a new member.

Need to renew your membership? Sign in to your account.

Please fill out the fields below to get started.
Note: WIFT-T Membership fees are non-refundable. Please refer to our FAQ for more details.


*Please note: Prices above are listed as the pre-HST amount, until you enter information in the address field. Once added, the price will appear with 13% ON HST added. For example: 1 Full Year is $195.71 pre-HST, $221.15 with HST.