Our Partners

our heroes

shape the future


None of the valuable programs and events we host would be possible without the incredible women and men—and the inspiring companies they are a part of—who partner with WIFT-T to make a difference.

How to Become a WIFT-T Partner

Looking for ways your company can make a difference and demonstrate its leadership?

WIFT-T offers you many options to make an impact:
event, program and mentorship sponsorships; cash and in-kind support; offering discounts on your services/events for our members to access.

We are happy to tailor opportunities for a win/win partnership.

Send us an email and start making a difference.

Partner Recognition

WIFT-T will show its appreciation by highlighting your company’s support of diversity and inclusion every chance we get!

Onscreen at events, stage remarks, media releases, social media, website—you name it. We also love to promote our partner’s initiatives.

Make a Donation

Donating is quick, easy and impactful!

partner spotlight


The Champion

From financial support to partnering with WIFT-T to increase opportunities for women to excel and lead, Hollywood Suite went above and beyond over the past year to support WIFT-T and drive the continued advancement and strengthening of Canada's media industry.

"We are so very appreciative of Hollywood Suite’s generosity and demonstrated leadership in supporting the advancement of women in the screen-based industry through this significant donation and matching campaign.

Hollywood Suite’s initiative came at a time when real change is needed in our industry and together we can make that happen through increased opportunities for women to connect, learn and advance through WIFT-T." 

~Heather Webb, Executive Director, WIFT-T

Hollywood Suite doubles up!

At the end of 2017, the Foundation for WIFT-T received a generous donation of $5,000 from Hollywood Suite to support our work in creating a more equitable world for women.

To make an even bigger impact, Hollywood Suite also announced that the Foundation would be the recipient of a special holiday gift-matching campaign: any new funds raised in December, up to $10,000, would be matched dollar-for-dollar. WOW!

With the incredible support of our community, we surpassed our goal and raised $10,578!

In 2018, Hollywood Suite returned with a pledge to match any funds raised in December, up to $15,000!

our champions


Corporate Social Benefits Donor



Silver Partners

Bronze Partners

Community Partners

Education Partners

“If everyone’s gonna pass on all the strong, ass-kicking lady directors and writers out there, we’ll take them.”
~Adam McKay, director, producer, writer, Saturday Night Live, The Big Short