
William F. White Production Manager Mentorship

Are you an emerging female Canadian production manager or producer? Are you open to learning new skills and diving into new experiences? Then the William F. White Production Manager Mentorship is the perfect next step for you!

  • 5-day hands-on Mentorship onsite at William F. White
  • Learn about resource management, television and film equipment planning, production equipment for digital projects and budget planning
  • WIFT-T programming pass (valued at $300)
  • Meet-up with an experienced Production Manager
  • Onstage recognition at the Crystal Awards Gala (December 2020)

The Production Manager Mentorship provides hands-on, practical training in the proper handling, use, and significance of the equipment available to the industry. Over the course of this mentorship, you will receive one-on-one networking opportunities with a successful female production manager and establish relationships with other professionals.

You will also receive a WIFT-T programming pass to further enhance your skills for success in this industry.

2020 Dates & Deadlines

Call opens: March 2, 2020

Deadline: Open Ended

The 2020 mentorship will take place in either the summer or fall at William F. White's location in Etobicoke, ON.


  • ‍Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Landed Immigrant
  • WIFT-T member in good standing (may join at time of application)
  • Emerging female production manager or producer, recommended at least 2 years but less than 5 years of production experience
  • Able to participate in all mentorship activities (including the ability to move equipment weighing up to 40 lbs. on-premises for various needs relating to the mentorship)
  • Must be able to complete a final report within two weeks of mentorship completion

How to Apply

Two easy steps!

  1. There is NO FEE to apply, but you need to REGISTER HERE.
  2. Submit the following supporting documents to Patti McCabe, pmccabe@wift.com:
  • Resume/CV including education and professional work experience (max 2 pages)
  • Professional bio (150 words max.)
  • Letter of Intent, including answers to the following questions: Why is this Mentorship important to you at this stage of your career? How will this Mentorship feed into your professional development goals? How will you put to use the knowledge that you gain from this Mentorship? (max 2 pages)
  • One letter of reference from an industry professional who is familiar with your work

That's it!

Stanleyville producer, Hayley Brown, receives 2019 WIFT-T William F. White Production Manager Mentorship

"I am beyond thrilled for the opportunity to participate in the William F. White Production Manager Mentorship in association with WIFT-T. By allowing me to develop new skills, enrich my foundational technical knowledge, deepen my pre-existing relationships with the fantastic team at Whites, and establish new mentors, this program will further enable my passion, as a production manager and producer, to cooperatively create art. Beyond being an invaluable opportunity for my own edification and professional growth, I look forward to applying the knowledge gained from this opportunity within the industry. By empowering young women and aiding in the dissolution of the gendered knowledge gap that's historically plagued technical fields, this mentorship is a massive step in the right direction toward enforcing gender parity in Canadian film and television—I'm honoured to have been named a participant. I couldn't be more excited to arm myself with knowledge that will enable me to become a better informed creator, collaborator, and confidant to fellow filmmakers."

Read more.

Lauren Evans receives the 2018 William F. White Production Manager Mentorship.

“It’s programs like the William F. White and WIFT-T mentorship program that help to lift women up in this industry, and I could not be more excited and grateful for this opportunity. I look forward to learning from the amazing people at William F. White and connecting with incredible women through WIFT-T. With such strong support, I know that I will leave this program a better, more knowledgeable creator.”

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What a journey, what a ride! Caitlin Carmody reflects on her mentorship at William F. White.

Each and every person I met here greeted me with a smile, asked how they could help, answered my questions and offered to help me whenever I needed in the future. I know coming out of this mentorship that I have a whole army of people behind me who understand that if I am successful then they are successful

Read more.

"During my mentorship, I came to a greater understanding of how the people around you and the people you rely on can influence your success. The team here at Whites are open, honest and rooting for you as a filmmaker."
~Caitlin Carmody, 2017 Recipient
Ready to take your producing career to the next level?
Apply here
Ready to take your producing career to the next level?
Apply here