
DGC Ontario Director Mentorship

Are you an emerging Canadian director? Do you have a feature film project in development, but need connections and market-training? Apply for the DGC Ontario Director Mentorship!

The DGC Ontario Director Mentorship will not be offered in 2020.

Latest: P.E.I. filmmaker [Jenna MacMillan] receives women's director mentorship (via CBC News)

The DGC Ontario Director Mentorship is a two-phase mentoring opportunity that provides one emerging Canadian director with market-ready skills, multiple informal director meet-ups, and a one-on-one mentorship with an experienced DGC Ontario Director member.


  • Complimentary TIFF Industry pass
  • One-on-one meeting with an experienced industry advisor to build a business-focused strategy to maximize your time at TIFF
  • One-on-one session with DGC Ontario Membership Services staff to learn the benefits of becoming a member
  • On-set shadowing opportunity with a DGC Ontario Director Member
  • Meet ups with 2-4 DGC Ontario Director Members
  • On-stage recognition at the Crystal Awards Gala

Past mentees include: Jenna Macmillan, Kirsten Carthew, Nadine Valcin and Nimisha Mukerji.

Past mentors/advisors: Tom Alexander (Mongrel Media), Christina Kubacki (eOne); Gail Harvey, Bronwen Hughes, Norma Bailey, Larysa Kondracki, Holly Dale

Please note: The DGC Ontario Director Mentorship will not be open for applications in 2020.


  • Canadian Citizen, Permanent Resident or Landed Immigrant
  • WIFT-T member in good standing (may join at time of application)
  • Must identify as a woman (cis, trans, non-binary)
  • Emerging filmmaker (recommended 5-10 years of directing experience)
  • At least one feature film project in development
  • At least one short, feature, or episodic work screened at a film festival within the past 3 years. Candidates with less than 5 years of experience but who meet all requirements may be considered
  • Able to participate in all mentorship activities
  • Able to complete a final report within two weeks of mentorship conclusion

Note: This mentorship is most beneficial to directors with a project already in development, and those who can set and meet their own deadlines.

How to Apply

Complete the online application, then submit the following supporting documents (see submission guidelines here):

  • Resume/CV including education and professional work experience (max 2 pages)
  • Professional bio (150 words max.)
  • Filmography (Include festival screenings and awards, if any)
  • Project slate (Indicate project title, short synopsis, development stage, funding history, and anything else we should know about the projects)
  • Letter of Intent, including answers to the following questions: What are your objectives for connecting with a business mentor and a director mentor? How will your attendance at TIFF impact the achievement of your goals and the advancement of your career? How do you intend to maximize your time at TIFF – what is your Festival strategy? How will receiving a one-on-one creative mentorship from a DGC Ontario Director impact the achievement of your goals and the advancement of your career? What area would you most like to be mentored on? (max 2 pages)
  • One letter of reference from an industry professional
"This represents a transformative opportunity for me to work with business and directing mentors who are at the top-of-their game...it goes without saying that I plan to rock it."
~ Kirsten Carthew, 2017 Recipient
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